This is something I wrote awhile ago on another site but I have been missing this place so much lately I decided to post it here. Also, I decided to post something a little bit more positive since I am usually very negative on here.

Someone told me I would miss it when I was gone and I do. I miss the people and the environment and living there. Below is the list I made for fun in no particular order:
Things I miss about Ichauway:
1) Smammals
2) Sarah and Coffy House girls as roomies
3) The EWCA
4) Hanging out of Lindsey's car, drunk, singing Your So Vain, at 3 a.m.
5) See above except insert Stribling's song
6) Dance parties
7) Parties at the Dub
8) Watching BSG, Grey's Anatomy, and Charmed repeatedly
9) Listening to angry, blasting music with Cristina on road trips
10) Smoking cig-rats
11) Calling Cristina Tina
12) Making Paul mad because we're STILL not ready
13) The look of terror on rats' faces when I chase them
14) Visiting the Boys' trailer
15) Making cookies with Bestie
16) Float trips
17) Family dinners
18) Rearranging things in Scott Wiggers' room
19) Threatening to punch Brent in the baby maker
20) Bizarre conversations in the wildlife truck with Gail and Cat
21) Free internet access
22) Walking across the yard to visit Z and Stribling
23) Making Dawson Smith feel uncomfortable
24) Ganging up on Christen with Tina'
25) Making Scott Wiggers mad by bringing up the John Wayne thing
26) Being a packaged deal with Bestie
27) Only living 3 hours away from Corina
28) Benji's songs
29) C-larkay's skills as DJ
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