I felt like writing this down as an exercise in looking back at the past and analyzing it through adult eyes. It's very different as compared to the way I view it all now. Also, I don't think that I wrote anything down then and this is sad. This is a way to fix that I guess. It is in no way complete.
Part of my story:
I had a double curve that was discovered by my ballet teacher when I was 12 and then fully discovered by an x-ray for pneumonia when I was 14. I was sent to Shriners Children Hospital in Philadelphia for consultation. After they revealed I had severe curves in both the upper and lower parts of my back, they told me I needed a brace or surgery. I wore a brace for about a year, at night and hated it. It stopped my curve from advancing but was very uncomfortable.
I was ashamed of my condition at this point. I have no idea why-I just was. Maybe because people were putting me in the crippled category and I didn't see myself that way.
Part of my story:
I had a double curve that was discovered by my ballet teacher when I was 12 and then fully discovered by an x-ray for pneumonia when I was 14. I was sent to Shriners Children Hospital in Philadelphia for consultation. After they revealed I had severe curves in both the upper and lower parts of my back, they told me I needed a brace or surgery. I wore a brace for about a year, at night and hated it. It stopped my curve from advancing but was very uncomfortable.
I was ashamed of my condition at this point. I have no idea why-I just was. Maybe because people were putting me in the crippled category and I didn't see myself that way.
They gave me the option for surgery and I went for it. It was performed by one of the best spinal surgeons in the country and Shriners had the best care and support of any hospital I've ever been to. I was determined to be out of there though and I was told that walking would get me there. So the day of my surgery I got out of bed and walked across the room.
I continued to do this until they sent me home. It was crazy and it took awhile to heal. Thanks to 12 years of ballet I had more flexibility than I should have and I pushed the envelope to do things so I could heal faster. There were setbacks- I cried when they pulled the bandages off for the first time and the first time I took a shower. There were limitations to what I could and couldn't do, there are still a few nevers, but it was the best decision I ever made.
Injury Series-Scoliosis Neckalce by Slashpile on Etsy