It's Flashback Friday again. I haven't participated in this for awhile and thought I would today!
These pics are from around 1984-1985. I was about 2 or 3 at the time and my brother was 12 or 13. This was back before life got complicated with my parents divorce and my brother going to live with my grandparents. Back when my brother and I adored each other before we became strangers. I don't really remember either of these pics but I remember the way I loved my big brother.

There is a stream and mineral springs that runs through our downtown park area and its been a place for people to come bath or drink the water since the 1700s. (George Washington even came here) Anyway, its a great place to go play, wade and catch fish and tadpoles when you're a kid. We used to spend every summer here because it was a free swimming pool of sorts and lots of fun. (I heart my brother's 80's shorts.)

My brother was also a big skateboarder and bike rider. This is on the street we used to live on with our parents. Our aunt and uncle and grandparents all lived on this street and it was pretty great. I know this looks dangerous but my mom trusted my brother implicitly. He never did drop me even when he was skating around. I of course loved it and thought it was the greatest thing ever. Apparently, I would laugh really loud and cling really tightly to my brother and yell "Again Souse!" (I couldn't pronounce Shawn).
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Christopher and Tia's!
Great photos, it must have been fun having a cool big brother like that for a baby sitter!